Friday, July 30, 2010

Found toys

Last night we gave our treadmill to someone who could really use it, which cleared out a HUGE section of the playroom, and of course exposed all of the junk left behind. I started cleaning the playroom, and started evaluating the toys left - thinking which should stay and which should go. With the girls, I try to only buy toys that are open ended, and allow for creativity - the Brio train was one of those choices back when Big Al was little. Slowly our collection grew, but no one ever really played with it. So, as I got to that drawer I thought.... hmmmmm.... maybe its time to put these away, so I went ahead and sorted out the drawer, and tossed a few broken pieces. We moved the big foam bean bag to the playroom, and I was done for the night.

This morning I actually got up before the little girls, and was thinking about what to do with the Brio when the little girls when running past me to see the "new" playroom (their term for a playroom that is simply cleaned within an inch of its life). Pretty soon, Blondie comes out with a train that needs a new battery, and I hear Cheesie bossing away about track construction and engineering. Sorry for the crummy pics - remember I said that only half the playroom was reasonably cleaned.
I go in to see what they have created (like a giant mess), and Blondie looks up and says - "Mom, in a clean playroom we can finally play." Umm...... yeah..... that's why I ask you to clean up all the time. So I guess Brio gets a reprieve and can hang out for awhile. So far they haven't noticed the things I have gotten rid of.... crossing my fingers.

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