Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yellow bellied slider

Maggie, the wonder dog, was barking like crazy out the front window. She generally spends time guarding from the stairs, and today she went nuts. Big Al looked out the window and saw a BIG turtle in the front yard. When we all went out to take a look it was hiding under the car. He hid out there for a bit, and then took off for the pond in the backyard.

Big Al tried to gather the courage to pick it up, but promptly dropped him and danced around like a girl who touched something ookey. Puh-lease...... She did get the idea that he was pretty heavy.

T-Rex then stepped up to grab him, and then took him to the pond. This is generally her "job" during heavy rains because a lot of turtles tend to come up then and end up in the road. This one was by far the biggest we've seen so far in the pond.

The closer she got to the pond the more he started waving his feet around trying to get in as fast as he could. When she let him go he charged straight in, although we could watch the water lillies move as he swam farther out. He was taking no chances on hanging around with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! He is large for a slider in this region. Way to go.