Friday, June 22, 2012

Aloha & Maunawili Falls

Heading to Atlanta

BIG FUN here. Thursday the girls and I flew out to Atlanta, and then a 9 hour 40 minute plane ride to Oahu.  My sister-in-law is getting married and the family is gathering in Hawaii to celebrate. We are beyond thrilled to have this opportunity to experience this with Brian's family.

This morning (Friday) when we woke up, I thought I would take the girls on a quick hike and then come back for lunch and head for the beach. I found a website with directions to Maunawili Falls, and thought it was perfect. A hike ending in a beautiful waterfall and "pool" that you could jump and swim in.  In theory it was a great idea.  THANKFULLY, right before the girls and I left, another sil showed up with her friend, so Lori and Leigh Anne went with us.

Abby on Maunawili trail

Pretty early on I was thinking, "Oh crud. This is not good." Do you see what I see?  I expected a nice little dirt path and a quick hike (1 mile-ish), but reality was tree roots (I mean EXTREME tree roots) everywhere, and very slick clay-like dirt. Blondie was in her brace, but it was some tough going.  I held her had a lot of the way to help with the incline (you know, my "bruised bone elbow" hand). Lori and Leigh Anne helped tons because after the tree roots were the big rocks in the river we had to cross. 
Treee on Maunawili trail
Now, having framed the trip properly, let me just say that it was utterly beautiful! I was frustrated because I couldn't name trees and flowers, and the birds were bright and gorgeous.  

Girls on the trail
Lori kept saying it was like being on the set of LOST.  
Mountain view on Maunawili trail
And did I mention the views? GORGEOUS. I had my waterproof camera with me because I didn't want to haul the big one, so I don't think the camera remotely caught the true colors, but I was loving the views. 
Still hiking uphill to the falls
Yep, more views along the trail. As we got closer to the top, there were stairs, and roots, and slick mud and boulders, and not once did my girls complain, and I mean, NOT ONCE. 
Hiking through the stream
Then we got REALLY close, and we chose to cross the stream again, and go up the other side (because it had to be easier for Blondie than following everyone else up the stream - HA, mistake on our end). 
Because on the other side....

Giant trees
were giant trees, bamboo, and roots, slick mud, etc.  Blondie had a couple of bad slips, cried a minute or two, but we could HEAR the waterfall at that point, and HEAR the people having fun, and then...

Magical place.
we saw the falls, and the pool of water, and the boulders everyone was sitting on, and we couldn't get those swimsuits exposed fast enough!

A putting on her water shoes for the
Now, Big Al wanted to jump off a cliff in Hawaii. It's on her bucket list. 

Alex jumping off a rock outcropping - bucket list
And, I hope this counts, because I don't know if I could watch too many of these. 
Of course, if Big Al can do it, so can T-Rex.  Blondie said she wanted to try, and Big Al was going to help her up the rocks, but she ended up sitting and watching.  

The way back down was absolutely much easier. Blondie decided she didn't need any help, and did it all by herself (and YES, it was still slick). I figure this counts for an extreme version of physical therapy.  Later tonight I hope to add in video that Leigh Anne took of the girls on the trail, so I'll try to get them loaded as soon as possible.  So check back often, and I'll do my best to post as we go.  

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