Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful for....

I am very thankful for my family. I am lucky to have a husband who goes on fun mini-adventures with me, actively participates in the lives of our children, pitches in with everything, and works hard to have things go right for all of us.

I am thankful for Big Al. She is hitting the teen years in a very good place. She is responsible, intelligent, adventurous and caring. She enjoys helping others, and has cultivated very good friends. She works hard at school and achieves the goals she has set.

I am thankful for T-Rex. Her varied interests are going to lead her on an adventure through life. She sits back and thinks deeply about things, and then jumps in to try to help. She is using her intelligence to work hard in school, and finds the balance in her life with her reading and her crafts.

I am thankful for Blondie. Each and everyday I am impressed at how she focuses on doing things that may be difficult. She sets an example for others, not just kids with Rasmussen's, but others who notice how she never complains about her path in life. We have every expectation that she will be just as productive a citizen as anyone else. She is kind, strong, smart and has the goofiest sense of humor.

I am thankful for Cheesie. She is my builder, my architect, and still snuggles on our laps. She enjoys hanging out with family, and going on small adventures. She is successful in school, and a fiend for puzzles. She is the rule follower who keeps us all on track.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

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