Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back to blogging

More than a week ago I was doing research for a class I'm taking, and downloaded a virus.... apparently a pretty vicious one. The computer went to the fix-it store and when we got it back we couldn't connect with the new wireless. So, over the next few days I'll post what we did without a computer.

On Saturday July 31 we went to the Medical College of GA's epilepsy surgery reunion. We had a nice lunch, and listened to a bunch of testimonials. Afterwards we walked around the museum where it was held. Our real reason for going though was actually to meet the Hardy's. Their daughter "A" had a hemi when she was even younger than Blondie, but it was great to meet her family. They share a lot of our opinions and determination in raising a hemi kid, and their daughters are absolutely charming. "A" didn't let anything slow her down, and she was constantly chatting up a storm. It was fantastic to watch a little girl move past her surgery, and absolutely bloom.

After the museum we walked along the waterfront in Augusta which is absolutely beautiful. It did start to rain, so we headed home.

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