Friday, July 26, 2013

Meeting Cameron - July 26, 2013

     As a mom to Blondie, I keep in contact with the Hemisperectomy Foundation, and the RE Children's project to keep us with new families who, unfortunately, are facing what we endured 8.5 years ago. Cameron is finally in inpatient rehab about an hour from us, so we drove up to meet his family.
The girls made him a blanket (on his lap) and Big Al and Cheesie made a giant cookie for him.  We were glad to see him eat a little bit of it - his feeding tube was recently removed so its time to get those muscles moving. 

We sat in the dining room and chatted. We got to meet his Aunt and Cousin, as well as their Pastor and his wife.  It was nice to see Cameron smile and try to talk to the Pastor. You really can see that he is trying to come out of the difficulty of surgery and get back to his old self. 

Of course the worst part of rehab is all of the work people make you do so you can walk.  We went with him and his mom to the therapy gym and Blondie helped him working on standing and kicking a soccer ball. 

He was quite tired after all of the exercise so we let him head back to his room to take a rest.  Hopefully we'll get back up there before school starts so we can see him again.  I know that this is a tough road, but each and everyday will find him getting stronger and more like his old self.  I can't wait to see him walking on his own, and chasing his cousins around. 

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