Monday, February 16, 2009

Extra therapy

Blondie had an extra therapy today because she was sick last week, and then her PT is on vacation this week, so we squeezed in one today. Then, amazingly enough, OT had a cancellation for the next hour, so it worked out all the way around. The pictures today are from OT, because in all honesty, Blondie was not wanting to cooperate, and sometimes if the camera comes out she will shape up..... sometimes...... but not today...... The pictures were pretty good though, and overall they are asking her to do a LOT!

Alternating arms, and shrugging shoulders....
Touching shoulders, then out to airplane arms...

Alternating feet on the ball.....

The two above were quite tricky. She had to start from the center, and then roll down to one knee on the left, and then back to center. Then of course, roll down to one knee of the right. It used a LOT of tummy muscles. I tried to switch to video, but she was having NONE of this today.

Then of course we come home, and she cheerfully shows me her new dance:

Where was this energy during therapy? Hmmmmm.....


Jessie said...

Extra Training! Kickin' it into high gear! Your not getting nervous are you? :-)

Just Kidding. Blondie looks great!

Good News for Jessie...we're getting a Kiddie Gait!!! Can't wait to see how she walks in it.

Kelly said...

We love ours. She must really be progressing.