Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Our trip to my family gathering began yesterday with haircuts and last minute errands. We packed up the car with kids and dogs, food and games, and it looked something like this:

Brian is a country music (or "crunchy music" if you're Cheesie) fan, and since he was driving he controlled the radio. A few minutes into the trip, Brian turned up the radio and we hear, "OH MY EARS!!!!"
We met up with the family today, and were reminded of all the things for which we are thankful:
A grandma with Alzheimer's - we're thankful that she had a lovely afternoon with a new granddaughter, and one who has her last day of being 11.,

A cadet, home in the middle of his first semester of independence,

A sister finding a place to nap,

23 family members able to gather this year,



And a good dog to curl up with on the ride home.

I hope your family (and friends) had a lovely day together too!

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